
In undergrad at George Mason University, I obtained my B.S. in Biology and a minor in Business Administration. In my sophomore year, I was recruited as a Division 1 rower and fell in love with the sport. I had done multiple sports in high school, but the teamwork required to succeed in rowing hooked me. Rowing started me on this health, fitness, and coaching path, and I never looked back.

During my senior year at George Mason, I started coaching high school rowing. Teaching and mentoring high school girls how to row, compete and be successful as they began the next part of their lives. I spent my afternoons teaching them how to row and engaging in conversations about their home and school life as “Mama Duck,” which they called me. I continued to coach rowing for 11 years before I transitioned into CrossFit.


I found CrossFit 2009, filling a competitive void I had from rowing. The Constant variety, weightlifting, and ability to compete drew me in. I competed in many local, regional, and team competitions. Wanting to share my love for the sport, I started coaching adults helping them to achieve their goals, showing them what’s possible, and having fun with fitness, health, and body transformation.

Pharmacist- Pharm.D

As I continued coaching, I completed my Doctor of Pharmacy degree in 2005, excited to make a difference in the lives of others. Being a pharmacist would be another way I could teach, coach, and help those struggling with dis-ease. As a pharmacist, I realized that the healthcare system is not fully designed to empower patients to heal. Patients are given treatment options that almost entirely evolve around Pharmaceuticals, leaving them with unresolved symptoms, confusion, and often feeling unheard.

In 2013, I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism or “Graves’ disease.” I refused to go on prescription medication and chose a more natural way, starting with working on my stress. After healing my body and my thyroid returning to normal function, I knew there were other ways for others.

Integrative Health Practitioner:

I watched my friends and family struggle with their auto-immune diseases, fatigue, brain fog, with no answers or zest. I took my knowledge of pharmacy and turned to educate myself on other health modalities—Functional Medicine, Traditional Naturopathy, Chinese medicine & herbalism, Ayurvedic, Bioregulatory medicine, and Eastern Philosophy. I have trained in Muscle testing techniques and continue to pursue learning.

I now work one-on-one with clients looking to optimize their health. I host quarterly group Functional Medicine liver detoxes and provide as much free education as possible. Let me help you find your imbalances and get you back on the road to health. Body Transformation is one of my specialties. I love sharing my knowledge of exercise, nutrition, and daily movement. Let me know how I can help!